If you suffer from acne, here are some recommendations on what to do and what not to do in that case. Remember that it is always important to be evaluated by experts to receive the treatment according to your case.
It is very likely that you suffered from acne as a teenager and that, many times, it seemed impossible to get rid of it. Although it is known for appearing mainly at this stage of our lives, it can also manifest itself later in life, and, depending on the symptoms, this is the treatment that the patient must follow.
Acne is a skin condition that manifests itself in the form of bumps on different parts of the body, such as the arms, back, and, mainly, the face. The different forms of bumps in which it manifests are pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and comedones, better known as ‘blemishes’.

To determine the causes of acne, says Pilar Manrique, a dermatologist, the ideal is to have an evaluation and thus establish the treatment to be administered, since it can vary from mild to severe.
So how does it happen?
The hair follicles of the skin (or pores) contain sebaceous glands, which produce sebum, which is the fat that lubricates the hair and skin. However, due to hormonal causes, these glands can be altered and produce more sebum, causing the manifestation of acne.
So, it is a skin disorder that occurs when hair follicles become clogged with oil and dead skin cells. According to dermatologist Manrique, when there is an increase in sebum production and clogged pores, there is inflammation, which is what we see when acne is red.

“There is a proliferation of bacteria and that is why pus comes out; there is also an increase in keratinization, that is, dead cells are sometimes retained and obstruct the pore,” adds Manrique.
According to Manrique, acne is a dermatological pathology with multiple causes, as it is influenced by different factors such as hereditary factors, stress, lack of exercise, and poor nutrition, among others. He adds that, if there is a family history, there is a greater probability of inheriting the appearance of acne.
Types of acne
According to Tomás Batz Queché, a dermatologist, there are two types of acne:
- Acne vulgaris or vulgaris is the most common and appears on the face and trunk (back and chest), which consists of inflammation of the pilosebaceous area, says Batz Queché. This type of acne manifests itself with comedones or pimples whose tip has a whitish secretion.

Acne vulgaris can range from mild to severe, although, according to Batz Queché, in women, it is usually mild and in men, due to hormones, there are more complications.
In mild cases, Batz Queché says that recovery is achieved by applying special creams. In moderate and severe cases, there are oral treatments.

One of the medications is minocycline, which is used to treat skin infections. There are also creams containing metronidazole, which help reduce the skin condition.
Another treatment administered by the dermatologist is medication derived from vitamin A, which helps remove the accumulation of pus.
All of this should be done after an evaluation and diagnosis by skin specialists, to receive the appropriate treatment.
- Another type of acne is cystic acne, which is more severe than the previous one. It consists of the appearance of nodules, which are small masses on the skin, and “inside there is an abscess, there is pus,” explains Batz Queché.

Like vulgar acne, cystic acne is also gradual, ranging from mild to severe. In this case, the dermatologist administers triamcinolone to reduce the size of the nodule and reduce its inflammation.
It is important to pay attention to the symptoms and see a specialist to obtain the correct diagnosis and receive the appropriate treatment.
Sometimes we make mistakes on our skin…
The skin is the largest organ in our body and has an extremely important function: protecting other organs. However, it is very delicate and requires certain care, so it is important that, if you have acne, you go to a specialist doctor and do not self-medicate.
Although it is a very common condition, there is a lack of knowledge and misinformation on the subject, and many people fall into wrong, inappropriate, and even aggressive ‘treatments’ for the skin. According to Batz Queché, it is not advisable to use home remedies, but rather to consult a skin specialist.
Here are five of the most common things you shouldn’t do when you have acne:
- Although washing your face is recommended for healthy skin, some people overdo it and, consequently, cause the opposite effect. “Washing too much causes a rebound,” says dermatologist Pilar Manrique, as this can cause the skin to dry out and produce more sebum, thus promoting the appearance of acne.
- For some people, acne can be tempting, as it makes them want to ‘pop’ their pimples. But because acne encourages bacteria to grow, popping the bumps can cause the pimples to spread, leading to abscesses. It also irritates the skin and may take longer to heal.

- Also, one of the symptoms of acne is itching, but if you suffer from this, avoid scratching or rubbing the affected area, since the only thing you will achieve is stimulating the skin to produce more sebum and, consequently, more acne will appear.

- One of the ‘home’ remedies that has become popular among people who want to get rid of acne is the application of toothpaste. According to Manrique, this product burns the skin and, when the bump dries, it will leave scars. In addition, it is a product for dental use, not dermatologically tested.

- When stressed, explains Manrique, many young people inject themselves with a neurotropic vitamin with a B complex, but this only makes their acne worse. Therefore, the recommendation is to avoid vitamins with a B complex if you want to reduce the presence of acne on your skin.
(Photo: Free Press: Pixabay)
These practices could help you fight acne
- Proper nutrition is important for a healthy body, and this includes your skin. It is essential to include fruits and vegetables in your diet, as well as water.
(Photo: Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)
If you suffer from acne, Manrique recommends avoiding dairy products, sugar, and carbohydrates. “You should avoid dairy products, white bread, sausages, and fast food,” says the dermatologist, since, due to the fat content, these could promote the appearance of acne.
- According to Manrique, it is important to hydrate the skin and avoid steroid creams, as this worsens acne.

The skin should be hydrated, because “dry and cracked skin facilitates bacterial proliferation and can lead to infection and further damage to the skin,” adds the skin specialist.

Do not rub the product too vigorously, as this may stimulate the sebaceous glands and promote the appearance of acne.
- As mentioned above, Batz Queché recommends washing your face with hot water twice a day, morning and night.
For this, Manrique suggests using special soaps that clean, do not dry out, and remove grease, but not water.

Likewise, this soap should maintain the normal flora of the skin, says Manrique, referring to the bacteria and fungi that should normally be present.
Although this recommendation is for everyone, it is mainly recommended for people who work in places where grease is present, such as restaurants, since it adheres to the skin and promotes the appearance of acne.
These are other acne treatments.
According to Pilar Manrique, a dermatologist, when topical treatment (treatment applied to the skin) is not enough, others are administered orally:
- One of the signs that bacteria are proliferating is the secretion of pus. Antibiotics are necessary to combat this.
- There are other natural treatments, such as the following food supplements: evening primrose oil, prebiotics, probiotics, vitamins A, E, and C, as well as zinc.

- When it comes to severe or cystic acne, a medication derived from vitamin A called ‘isotretinoin’ is prescribed, which is a very strong drug.
- If it is a hormonal case, the treatment is with hormones. In most cases, these are women who have ovarian cysts and alterations in blood sugar levels.

Remember that these treatments are under medical prescription and it is important to have a check-up with professionals in the area. “Do not self-prescribe. Most of the time, when you self-medicate, the case gets worse,” says Manrique.
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