How To Detoxify The Body?

There are various products on the market designed to detoxify the body. However, the first thing you need to know about this is that your body has the necessary mechanisms to carry out this process naturally.

The body has five organs responsible for detoxifying us: the liver, the kidneys, the skin, the lungs, and the lymphatic system, says internist Luis Rejopachi.

For each of them to work effectively, we must consume organic foods, exercise regularly but not excessively, avoid processed foods and chemical products in general, not abuse pharmacological substances, and even take care of interpersonal relationships and emotional health, according to Rejopachi and Leticia Rodríguez, specialists in bioregulatory medicine.

Below we share some measures you can implement in your daily life to detoxify your body. However, before any changes to your routine, consult with your GP for personalized advice.

How to detoxify the body naturally?

There are various strategies for detoxing the body, and some involve radical changes in daily habits to detoxify your body. First of all, diet plays an essential role in achieving this goal.

In this regard, nutritionist Leydy Villagrán, from the Guatemalan Social Security Institute (IGSS), indicates that we should incorporate into our diet foods that contain vitamins and minerals that encourage our body to continue its natural cleansing process.

Nutrients that are vital for this goal include vitamins A, C, and E, iron, copper, and zinc. This translates into regular consumption of healthy foods, such as:

  • Citrus: orange, lemon, grapefruit
  • Various fruits:  strawberry, kiwi, peach, pear, apple, melon, tomato, among others.
  • Vegetables:  broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, chili peppers, etc.
  • Animal products: meat, chicken, fish, eggs and seafood.
  • Legumes and seeds like nuts, as well as other foods that contain the nutrients mentioned above.

    Other strategies to detoxify the body

    Professionals recommend these suggestions to eliminate toxins naturally, which are focused on forming healthy habits in your daily routine:

    • Fasting once a month. This does not apply to patients with chronic diseases.
    • Low-impact exercise. Moderate physical activity helps regulate the body correctly, but excessive exercise can have counterproductive effects, according to Rejopachi.
    • Consume smoothies made with cucumber, celery, and other vegetables, as long as they are not contraindicated for you.
    • Avoid stress, anxiety, and other emotional problems.  
    • Consume organic products as much as possible.
    how to detoxify the body
    The consumption of vegetables plays a fundamental role in the proper functioning of the organs responsible for detoxifying the body. (Photo Prensa Libre: Unsplash)
    • Do not self-medicate or abuse any drug.
    • According to pharmaceutical chemist Maricelys Rodriguez, drinking water with lemon can improve the functioning of the liver, a vital organ for detoxifying the body. She also suggests practicing intermittent fasting, as long as it is supervised by a health professional.
    • The intake of natural diuretics, such as parsley tea, is also suggested.
    • Consult an expert professional, whether a naturopath, internist, or nutritionist for better advice. In general, there are several methods, but it is necessary to consult a specialist to determine which one is best for your needs.

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