
How To Avoid Being Bitten By Mosquitoes

Regardless of whether it’s cold or hot, mosquitoes are present in the environment, and looking for their next victim. To avoid being the chosen one, here are seven recommendations.

Some things have unfortunately happened to all people – and will happen to them countless times. One of them is being bitten by a mosquito. Surely it has happened to you that you are lying peacefully, about to fall asleep and suddenly you hear a buzzing near your ear. The next signs of the presence of a mosquito are the welts caused by its bites and the discomfort they generate. So, in the middle of the night, you have to get up and identify the annoying animal to kill it before it attacks your skin and you sleep again.

There are times when you don’t even notice their presence, but later you feel itchy and notice small (or large) red bumps on your skin. You may even sometimes find yourself in a group of people and be the most affected by the presence of these insects.

But we have good news for you! There are some ways and tools other than commercial repellents that are quite effective in getting rid of these small but very annoying animals in your home, or at least preventing them from biting you. Take note:

1. Vinegar

You are probably thinking of the strong and unpleasant smell of vinegar. However, this method is very effective in repelling mosquitoes. You do not need to spray your body or the place where you are with her. You just need to place a small container with vinegar in the place where she is and the smell will take care of keeping mosquitoes away.

2. Anti-mosquito bracelets

If you prefer something that is not as invasive to your sense of smell as the previous alternative, this invention will seem wonderful to you. They are mainly used in children and babies, they are made of a material such as cloth or plastic and consist of a bracelet that emits substances that, although they do not kill mosquitoes, do repel them.

The Consumers and Users Organization has posted on its website stating that these bracelets are not very effective, but as is often the case with some products of this type, there is nothing left to do but find the ideal one by trial and error. It is recommended that you look for a bracelet that contains highly effective repellents such as DEET or citronella. You can find them in pharmacies and children’s stores.

Eliminate stagnant and stored water in your home, such as puddles or barrels filled with water, because mosquitoes need them to reproduce. (Photo: Shutterstock)

3. Repellent plugs

You’ve probably seen an advertisement for this product. It’s a small container that contains a repellent liquid that heats up and vaporizes when plugged into the power supply, thus spreading around the area where it is located and keeping mosquitoes away.

4. Wear light-colored clothing

Light colors reflect more light, which bothers mosquitoes, increasing the likelihood that you will not be their next victim. It is also recommended that if you know you will be visiting a place with many of these insects, be cautious and wear light clothing that covers most of your body.

Although it is an understandable desire, it is important to warn your children about the importance of not scratching the bites because, in addition to damaging their skin, it could make them vulnerable to developing an infection. (Photo Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

5. Avoid sweet aromas

These types of smells attract them, so it is recommended that you avoid using perfumes, body creams, or other products with this scent.

6. Natural repellent

If you prefer to avoid traditional repellents, you can make your own by mixing eucalyptus oil with lemon juice. Spray your body as you would with a commercial repellent.

7. Aromatic plants or incense

There are some scents like lavender, rosemary, eucalyptus, and basil that repel mosquitoes. You can keep some of these plants in a container in your room, use incense with these scents, or even scented candles.

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