Lavender is a species of plant that, from a botanical point of view, could be defined as an aromatic shrub. It is a group of plants with erect stems that can reach up to two meters in height.
However, the most important characteristic of this plant is its small, lilac and blue flowers. The species belongs to a whole genus of plants known as Lavandula, from the Lamiaceae family.
In Guatemala, the genus can be found since it is native to warm and dry climates. Despite its particular shape, the bush is not considered a wild plant. It is worth mentioning that its origins are African and it can also be found in other latitudes such as various parts of Europe.
Dr. Nereida Marroquín, president of the Association of Phytotherapy and Natural Products, says that the first species of lavender in the country came from France and Spain.
Thanks to its survival in “moderately dry” and temperate climates, the plant has managed to adapt to territories such as the high plateau, where several farm projects stand out where it is produced.
Provenza Gardens, located in San Mateo Milpas Altas (Sacatepéquez) or Lavanda Guatemala, in San Antonio Palopó (Atitlán), are two of those places that have functioned as tourist destinations for locals and foreigners.
What does the lavender plant look like?
According to Marroquín, who is also a pharmaceutical chemist, the long stems of lavender often take on brown, green, and greyish hues. The flowers have long tips with leafy shoots and a bark that can peel off along its length.
On the other hand, the leaves are clusters with leafy shoots that have a short petiole with floral buds at the lower level. Its flowers remain grouped and acquire a spike shape.
“Accompanied by these flowers we can see bracts that appear to be modified leaves with a striking shape which helps attract pollinators. The bracts resemble real flowers because they have a different color and it is a way of adapting for the development of the flower,” explains Nereida.

Lavender attracts various insects such as bees and butterflies. Marroquín explains that this adaptation is achieved through the bracts since insects are oriented toward the flower by its color and smell.
Regarding the pigmentation of the flowers, Marroquín explains that it is due to secondary metabolites and pigmentation achieved by certain flavonoids and carotenoids that resonate with light and end up providing the colors of lavender.
Benefits of lavender for people
According to Marroquín, the effects of lavender on people can be measured at the level of the central nervous system.
“Studies have shown that it has a great benefit for the treatment of anxiety, as well as allowing relaxation and helping sleep, depending on the dose applied,” the specialist emphasizes.
These possibilities have led to lavender being traditionally used for the treatment of insomnia.
Nerida Marroquín adds that the plant also has antioxidant, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory effects.

Doctor and surgeon Ricardo Estrada claims that several plants, such as lavender, make up a herbal drug that can be used for medicinal purposes. In the case of lavender, its essential oil can be used, which has three main properties: antispasmodic, sedative, and anxiolytic.
The antispasmodic capacity could act at the level of the smooth muscle of the intestine. The sedative activity promotes a relaxing effect where stress is inhibited.
Finally, the doctor explains that the anxiolytic capacity is achieved through the effect of beta waves, which will help induce a state of relaxation that improves the ability to concentrate.
According to the specialist, lavender allows these benefits due to its set of active ingredients that involve linalyl acetate, limonene, α-terpineol, and rosmarinic acid.

As for how to activate these effects, Dr. Ricardo suggests consuming lavender essence in the form of essential oil, dry extract, or capsules. The most suitable doses should be based on the indicated prescriptions of the products with lavender essence.
Likewise, it can also be consumed as a lavender infusion. This is achieved after adding several of the flowers to boiling water. “Anyone can take it up to three times a day. However, there are no studies that indicate safety during pregnancy, breastfeeding, or in children under 12 years of age,” adds the doctor.
Ornamental and experimental use
Being a very attractive plant, people often use it as an ornamental plant in their homes, gardens, and even at special events. Options such as floral arrangements are also common nowadays given the plant’s shades.
Nereida Marroquín explains that part of the trade in this plant is currently linked to natural tourism, which is promoted in cultivation fields where people can learn about the planting process, as well as relax and stimulate their sight.
Lavender flowers have also been used for culinary purposes. Some chefs have used it to add certain flavors to meats, chicken, and fish. Additionally, its flavor has also been used in drinks such as lemonades and mojitos.
How to grow lavender plants
Another characteristic of lavender is its resistance and durability, as it can live up to 10 years with the appropriate care about humidity, sun, and rich soil that must provide porosity and fertility.
According to Julio Chajón, a plantation specialist and head of gardening at the Botanik Nursery, planting lavender is not that complicated. The seeds of this species sprout as the bush grows.
The gardening expert also explains that these seeds can germinate quite quickly. Even two months after being planted, they begin to reach half the growth of an adult plant.

On the other hand, once the stems have grown and developed, the flowers begin to sprout about three months later. This happens almost always, but how quickly they sprout will depend on the care given by the person.
“Lavender is a full-sun plant, which is why it is highly recommended to plant it here in the country. The climate helps a lot and it can be planted at any time, but you also have to be careful of too much sun or rain,” says Chajón, who also emphasizes that too much exposure to light could cause the plant to dry out, or cause mites to appear on it.
The ideal place to receive light can be on a patio or in a space where it receives direct light.
On the other hand, if you are dealing with excess water, you should know that this causes pests such as mildew, which is a fungus. In these cases, you should use fungicides.
As for sowing, it is advisable to plant it in soil containing sand and rubble. This same soil allows for up to two plantations to be made in it.
It is important to apply nutrients such as Triple 15 Complex fertilizer monthly or every 45 days, Julio specifies.
Watering should be done three times a week. The soil must be well soaked, but if the number of times per week is exceeded, even during the rainy season, care must be taken to avoid the development of fungi.
On the other hand, the size of the plant will depend on where it is planted. If it is a 35-centimetre deep pot, it could reach between 50 and 60 centimeters in length and width. If the bottom is larger, such as in a garden, the plant can reach up to two meters.
Chajón also explains that pruning does not require much care, since as it dries, the plant will revitalize itself. People can cut the stems with flowers whenever they want.
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