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What Is Body Hair For And Why It Is Not Always A Good Idea To Remove It?

body hair

In recent decades, beauty standards have dictated that hairless bodies are more aesthetically pleasing and hygienic; however, body hair performs important functions that you should consider before your next encounter with the razor.

Through evolution, humans have modified their appearance. Some traits played an important role at the dawn of our existence and over time have lost their usefulness.

There is currently a debate about whether body hair still has a function or is an evolutionary characteristic that is nothing more than a useless inheritance from our ancestors. The reality is that body hair has functions that, although not vitally important, are useful.

Many people consider body hair to be annoying and unsightly; however, it performs different functions in the human body, such as insulating against temperatures, protecting the body against friction during sexual activity, and in some cases, working to divert sweat and preventing it from irritating the eyes.

Generally speaking, the main function of hair is to insulate body temperature because it serves as a physical barrier between cold air and the skin.

Why does hair grow in the armpits?

The armpits are one of the most sensitive areas of the body, so hair helps protect these areas from excessive heat or cold. In addition, it is where a large amount of sweat is produced and the hair retains the liquid to prevent it from dripping, as happens on the back, for example.

It also serves to minimize irritation caused by skin rubbing between the arm and the side of the chest.

Many people blame armpit hair for the bad odor generated in that region of the body; however, the bad odor is caused by bacteria, so it is not necessary to shave the area; it is enough to have good hygiene habits in the area.

Current beauty paradigms demand hairless bodies. (Photo Prensa Libre: Services)

Pubic hair

Most people find a shaved pubic area more attractive than a hairy one, but studies have shown that removing hair can be harmful to your health.

Dermatologists believe that pubic hair reduces the chances of transmitting infections during sexual intercourse. In addition, scientists from Columbia University claim that hair helps maintain a stable temperature in the genital area and prevents the development of bacteria. In the case of men, avoiding sudden changes in temperature favors sperm production.

In the case of women, a study from the University of California details that hair prevents the entry of bacteria into the vaginal area.

Hair also helps prevent irritation caused by friction in that area, whether from having sex, wearing tight clothing, or simply walking.

According to a study by Columbia University, pubic hair traps pheromones from the fluids generated in the genital area, which generates attraction to the opposite sex.

Other areas

Body hair can also appear in places such as the nose, eyes (eyelashes and eyebrows) and ears. In some cases it serves specific functions, while in others it could simply be a sign of maturity.

Nose hairs protect the respiratory tract from bacteria and dust, so it is not advisable to remove them. (Photo Prensa Libre: Services)

Many people are bothered by the presence of hair in their nose; however, they serve the purpose of preventing dust and bacteria from entering the body through the respiratory tract.

Eyelashes and eyebrows are largely linked to aesthetic factors; however, they also serve useful functions.

In the case of eyebrows, their purpose is to divert and retain sweat from the forehead to prevent it from falling into the eyes, while the eyelashes protect them from falling dust.

Facial hair or beards are primarily related to aesthetic appearance, as they are very attractive to many women. In addition, like lions’ manes or roosters’ combs, they serve to mark a difference between the male and female sex.

The beard, like hair, in addition to fulfilling an aesthetic function, serves to protect the skin from UV rays.

Experts are not sure what causes ear hair to appear, but it is suspected that it may be due to the fact that the follicles become more sensitive to testosterone, the male hormone, as people get older.

So is it bad to shave?

According to studies published in the British Medical Journal, people who go to great lengths to keep their bikini line well-groomed are at greater risk of infections; in addition, waxing and shaving cause minor trauma to the skin and leave it vulnerable to pathogens.

Although removing body hair leaves the body more vulnerable, it is not a matter of life or death, so experts point out that it is a personal decision and the essential thing is to maintain good personal hygiene.

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