The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a 20-year setback in terms of maternal health in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Between 1990 and 2015, there was a 16.4% reduction in maternal deaths, but between 2016 and 2020, this increased by 15%. This statistic makes it clear that today, more than ever, women need more information on how to take care of themselves.
What does a healthy pregnancy entail? The World Health Organization, WHO, explains that it is a follow-up of women during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period, that is, the time that a woman takes from the birth of the baby until her body returns to its pre-pregnancy state.
Each stage should be a positive experience that ensures the full potential and well-being of women and their babies.
Dr. Luis Fernando Rodas, obstetrician-gynecologist and specialist in maternal-fetal medicine, says that women should be cared for from age zero to 100 and that women’s health begins while they are in the mother’s womb.
For example, research shows that premature mothers have more complications in their pregnancies.
This result is from a monitoring of a group of premature women born in Quebec, Canada after week 23 and before week 27, between 1976 and 1995, and who gave birth between 1987 and 2008. The results show that a history of prematurity and low birth weight, jointly or independently, are risk factors in pregnant women, as they significantly increase the probability of complications at the end of pregnancy.
Experts tell us about some relevant points to consider in women’s health and what it involves beyond pregnancy:
1 Since I was a child
Girls’ health should be monitored by a pediatrician to ensure their healthy growth. A transition to a gynecologist is made between the ages of 12 and 14.
Gynecologist Fernando Rodas adds that women usually seek a doctor until they are adults or when they want to become mothers. However, by evaluating girls it is possible to predict some situations, as well as manage or plan some type of treatment or improvement.
For girls and adolescents to be healthy, lifestyle is important, and maintaining balance and professional support are vital.
2. Food
Good nutrition in childhood and adolescence allows for better health. This has a positive influence on their development.
The WHO recommends that pregnant women be advised on the importance of a healthy diet and physical activity during pregnancy so that they can stay healthy and maintain an adequate weight.
To prevent maternal anemia, puerperal sepsis, low birth weight, and premature birth, pregnant women are recommended to take a daily oral supplement of iron and folic acid. The doctor will evaluate the need for additional supplements.

3. Oral health
Ligia RÃos, a family dentist, says there are misconceptions about pregnancy and dental treatments.
To begin, it is important to recognize that prevention in oral health is relevant for women and a determining factor not only for those who are trying to get pregnant but also for those who are pregnant.
Poor oral health is the same as a problematic pregnancy and could even make it difficult to get pregnant, explains the expert. RÃos describes that pregnancy itself produces an increase in hormones that increase blood flow to the gums and this, combined with poor hygiene, could be negative.
Data from the Guatemalan Social Security Institute, IGSS, shows that periodontal disease is linked to abortions and some studies have shown that ten percent of cases of poor oral hygiene are related to premature births. It can also cause bacteria to travel through the bloodstream and complicate the health of future mothers.
Ideally, women should visit a specialist before and during pregnancy to avoid complications.
4. More about pregnancy
Rodas says it is ideal to remember that pregnancy is a natural situation that allows you to do certain physical and sporting activities, always in a balanced way. It is recommended to stay hydrated.
There may also be some discomfort and it is best to go to the doctor so he can recommend the best way to handle these situations.
As you get closer to delivery, your waist and pelvis start to hurt a little more and you need to have a good posture.
It is necessary to be alert to any warning signs and consult a doctor if you have any doubts. Bleeding is considered an emergency.
If a lot of fluid comes out, it could be that your water has broken and this is a sign that you will give birth as soon as possible.
When the mother stops noticing the baby moving in the womb, she should see her doctor immediately.
5. After childbirth
All women in the postpartum period should receive a periodic evaluation to see their progress. Follow-up is necessary, everything that the body changed in nine months, must return in 40 days and it is important to restore, adds Rodas.
This is where breastfeeding begins and lifestyle is still important to prioritize your body and that of your baby.
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