
The Benefits Of Oatmeal And Why It Is Healthy To Eat It For Breakfast (Includes Recipes)

Oats are a food high in fiber and have other properties that benefit our health. Learn about the benefits and how we can enjoy them in our breakfasts.

Eating the same thing over and over again can be boring and even tedious always enjoy the same flavours. In addition, it can happen that, due to the rush of each day, we do not have enough time to think of something different and thus vary our meals.

Likewise, we often have to go to work very early and we cannot prepare anything elaborate. But let’s not forget that it is important to eat well and have good digestion because, according to gastroenterologist Héctor Luna, this is the way our body absorbs the nutrients we need.

(Photo: Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

In addition, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that we incorporate a balanced diet, accompanied by an exercise routine to develop a good immune system.

Oatmeal for breakfast

A good option to incorporate into our breakfasts is oatmeal, says Lucrecia Cisneros, nutritionist at the Vitalita clinic, as it is the most important meal of the day and, thanks to its properties such as carbohydrates, when consuming it “we feel more satisfied for longer,” she explains.

(Photo: Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

Cisneros also adds that oats are a food that helps us to have greater concentration, and more energy during the day and regulate our cravings, thanks to the feeling of satiety. But why is this? According to Valeria Sagastume, nutritionist at Blue Medical, it is because it is a food high in fiber.

Properties and benefits of oats

  • According to Cisneros, oats are a food that helps maintain the balance and proper functioning of the nervous system, thanks to the B complex.
  • It is also a recommended food for people with obesity and constipation, says Sagastume, since it is a slow-absorbing carbohydrate that allows for a longer satiating effect and, in addition, contains unsaturated fats and fiber that help lower cholesterol in the blood.


(Photo: Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

  • Likewise, thanks to fiber, Sagastume adds that it improves digestion and intestinal transit, which facilitates the digestion process. Cisneros adds that fiber also “helps reduce the absorption of sugar in the intestine, thus decreasing levels in the blood.”
  • Another benefit of eating oats, says Cisneros, is that they contain amino acids that “help the production of lecithin in the liver and reduce bile acids.”


According to nutritionist Lucrecia Cisneros, if you suffer from diverticulitis, diarrhea or gastroenteritis, colitis or Crohn’s disease, celiac disease (oats contain gluten), anemia (there are components of oats that do not allow the absorption of iron), it is not advisable to consume them, because it can worsen your condition. Likewise, the expert recommends consulting with your doctor and nutritionist.

(Photo: Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

Some recipes

According to Sagastume, the necessary portions of oats will depend on each organism, so it is recommended that you consult a nutritionist. She also indicates that the best way is to consume whole oats since they contain more fiber than processed oats.

These are healthy and delicious recipes that Cisneros recommends for your breakfast:

Oatmeal and fruit cereal

½ cup Greek yogurt

¼ cup of red fruits (strawberry, blackberry, blueberry)

3 tablespoons raw whole oats

Place the yogurt and oats in a bowl and garnish with the red berries.

(Photo: Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

Oatmeal Pancakes

1/3 cup whole grain rolled oats

2 egg whites

Cinnamon powder to taste

2 drops of vanilla essence

¼ cup water or less

First, beat the egg whites. Then, add the dry ingredients and, little by little, the water. Make sure that the mixture is neither thin nor too thick.

Cook in a pan, preferably Teflon, to avoid using fat.

(Photo: Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)

Oatmeal smoothie

½ cup water

3 tablespoons whole grain rolled oats

1 tablespoon quinoa powder

1 green apple

Place all ingredients in a blender. Blend well and serve.

(Photo: Prensa Libre: Shutterstock)


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