The passing of the years is unforgiving, and the skin around the eyes is one of the most easily visible indicators of our age. The passage of time and other factors such as sun exposure and poor nutrition can contribute to dark circles and bags under the eyes becoming more and more evident.
For this reason, Dr. Lorena Ramírez Piña, a surgeon specializing in aesthetics and longevity, shares in a press release some tips that can help you keep the skin on your face healthy and prevent the appearance of dark circles and bags under the eyes.
1) Cleaning
Without exception, you should rest and sleep with a clean and moisturized face. To remove makeup around the eyes, the proper technique is to place a cotton pad on the lower part of the eye, covering the entire area; with another pad, remove the mascara with gentle movements. “It is better to use a biphasic makeup remover: this way the makeup will stay on the cotton pads and will not stain the skin. ”

2) Lymphatic drainage
A technique that will help prevent dark circles and bags under the eyes is to use your ring finger, apply light pressure, and gently massage from the tear duct to the ears. This should be repeated six times a day: ideally, it should be done both in the morning and before going to sleep. It will be more effective if you use a special cream or serum for the area.
Using ice packs, cool tea bags, or jade rollers to decongest the area can also be very helpful.

3) Good habits
The passage of time cannot be stopped, but it is possible to maintain healthy skin if you drink enough water every day, get eight hours of sleep, eat a balanced diet —as natural as possible—and use sunscreen, even when you are going to be at home.

This way, your face will remain rejuvenated for longer and the appearance of annoying dark circles and bags under the eyes will be avoided.
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