Protect Your Health: How An Active Life Fights Stress And Cancer

Cancer is one of the most prevalent and challenging diseases today. In a fast-paced world where stress is a constant companion, the increasingly evident link between stress and cancer is especially worrying. Essentially, chronic stress, known for its negative effects on the immune and hormonal systems, can increase the risk of developing cancer and complicate its recovery.

In the midst of the daily grind, finding time for exercise can seem like a challenge, but maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial not only for overall well-being but also for cancer prevention.

An area of ​​study that has recently gained attention is the influence of muscle mass on disease prevention. Muscle mass plays a vital role in regulating metabolism and the immune system, so maintaining it can significantly improve cancer treatment outcomes.

The impact of stress on our health

Chronic stress is a silent enemy that negatively affects our health. In the long term, it can weaken the immune system, enhance the inflammatory response, and destabilize the hormonal balance, creating an environment conducive to the development and progression of cancer. Various scientific studies indicate that stress not only promotes the proliferation of cancer cells but can also increase resistance to apoptosis, the natural process by which the body eliminates damaged or abnormal cells. In addition, stress can induce unhealthy behaviors, such as a sedentary lifestyle or an inadequate diet, which further increases the risk of cancer. In general, the psychological impact of stress significantly deteriorates the quality of life .

The importance of muscle mass and bone mass

As we age, both bone and muscle mass tend to decrease, leading to diseases such as osteoporosis (bone loss) and sarcopenia (muscle loss). In cancer patients, this loss is aggravated by cachexia, a condition that causes rapid weight loss, muscle atrophy, fatigue, and general weakness.

Several studies show that patients with a higher proportion of muscle experience more effective and less toxic chemotherapy, which improves cancer treatment outcomes and increases survival rates. In addition, muscle mass acts as a reservoir of essential amino acids for tissue repair and maintaining optimal immune function.

For these reasons, visiting a physical therapist for scheduled therapeutic exercise plays a fundamental role in tumor processes. The prescription of resistance exercises, such as bodyweight training ( calisthenics ), exercises with elastic bands, and the use of dumbbells, together with aerobic activities such as walking outdoors, swimming, running, or cycling, is highly recommended.

These activities not only prevent bone and muscle loss but also improve cardiovascular function and enhance overall well-being. In addition, maintaining adequate muscle mass helps support the body’s structure, improves balance, and reduces the risk of falls, which is essential for preventing fractures in older ages.

Keys to cancer prevention:

Regular exercise

The American Cancer Society recommends that cancer survivors avoid inactivity and engage in regular physical activity, including resistance training, at least twice a week. Therapeutic exercise prescription and regular physical activity not only reduce stress levels but also improve mood and sleep quality, factors that contribute to better overall health. Incorporating these recommendations can, therefore, be a powerful tool in the fight against cancer and in promoting healthier living.

Nordic walking is an example of physical activity that has been shown to be beneficial in improving muscle strength and cardiovascular health, without putting too much stress on the joints. This exercise provides a full-body workout that is particularly useful for cancer patients looking to maintain or increase their muscle mass.

Proper nutrition

A varied diet rich in fiber and other specific nutrients can help maintain and build muscle. It is important for cancer patients to work with specialized nutritionists to develop eating plans that meet their specific needs.

Combining a proper diet with a well-structured exercise program can maximize the benefits and significantly improve the results of cancer treatment .

Strategies against stress

In addition to maintaining bone and muscle mass, when we exercise, our body releases endorphins – “happiness hormones” – which act as natural painkillers and improve our mood. The release of endorphins and the reduction of stress hormones produce a feeling of well-being and calm.

Beyond the chemical benefits, physical exercise offers a mental respite from daily worries. Yoga, meditation, and cognitive behavioral therapy can help reduce stress levels and improve mental well-being. From a psychological perspective, yoga, for example, not only contributes to stress reduction but also encourages self-acceptance and emotional balance, while improving flexibility and muscle strength. These activities are accessible to people of all ages and physical conditions, facilitating a holistic approach to physical and mental well-being.

It’s not about becoming an elite athlete, but about finding an active lifestyle that we enjoy and can maintain over time. Every little bit of effort counts, and the health benefits, both mental and physical, are priceless. Incorporating healthy habits and regular physical exercise not only improves our overall well-being but also has a crucial impact on preventing serious diseases, prand omoting a more balanced and lasting quality of life.The Conversation

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