How To Know If A Stomach Ache Is Dangerous

When we feel discomfort in the abdominal area, we quickly say that our stomach hurts. However, doctors call this condition abdominal pain, since it can be experienced in any of the organs in that area.

According to gastroenterologist Arturo Carranza, the abdominal area comprises various organs, including the stomach, pancreas, liver, stomach, gallbladder, colon, kidneys, and female reproductive organs .

For this reason, the specialist explains that this symptom can be due to various causes ranging from a stomach spasm to a more serious condition such as appendicitis.

Pain can also vary in intensity, as it can be mild, moderate or severe. In any case, it is essential that you consult a doctor to determine the cause of the pain.

How do you know if a stomach ache is dangerous?

Carranza says that stomach pain can be caused by various reasons depending on its characteristics: whether it is acute, chronic, whether it is located on the right or left side, among other factors . For this reason, it is essential that you describe your symptoms as clearly as possible for an accurate diagnosis.  

According to the specialist, the causes can vary, as they can be gastritis, esophagitis, gallbladder problems, ovarian conditions, diverticulitis, irritable bowel syndrome, among others.

Luis Rejopachi, an internist, adds that other causes may be an ulcer or even liver pain. In the case of the liver, the pain occurs on the right side of the abdomen. Both Carranza and Rejopachi emphasize that the patient should not self-medicate or make a diagnosis for themselves, but should contact their doctor as soon as possible.

According to Medline Plus, this discomfort can be dangerous if it does not improve within 24 to 48 hours, if it occurs frequently, or if it is accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Carranza also mentions that appendicitis is a common cause when the discomfort is located on the right side.

A characteristic symptom of appendicitis is pain in the right lower quadrant that worsens over time . Other symptoms of this condition include fever, loss of appetite, pain that does not improve with painkillers, nausea, and stabbing pain in the abdomen and groin.

If you have stomach pain, see your doctor immediately.
Among the most common causes of stomach pain are appendicitis, ulcers, constipation, among others. (Photo Prensa Libre: Freepik)

When should I go to the doctor?

Experts say you should see a doctor immediately if abdominal pain is accompanied by these symptoms:

  • Abdominal distension lasting more than two days
  • If you experience burning during urination or if urination is frequent
  • If you have diarrhea for more than five days.
  • Fever
  • Lack of appetite
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Lack of fluid and food retention
  • Inter alia

It is important to do the tests that your doctor requires (feces, hematology, etc.) to rule out any serious illness.

General recommendations

Before taking any medication, consult your doctor. Rejopachi mentions that you can drink some natural infusion such as pericón tea if you are dealing with mild pain, but you should never take medicines that are not prescribed by your family doctor.

Remember that the causes can be diverse, depending on the location of the discomfort, since when it is in the center of the abdomen it may be the stomach, but if it is located in another area, this condition could be related to other organs.

In short, remember that the most important thing is to see a specialist early to avoid life-threatening complications.

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