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Gastroesophageal Reflux: What It Is, Symptoms And 8 Home Remedies To Cure It

Gastroesophageal reflux

Acid reflux, as this disease is also known, occurs when stomach acid flows into the esophagus, the tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. Sometimes it does not produce symptoms, or they disappear, however, it is important to pay attention to it because stomach cancer is one of the consequences. In addition to medications, there are home remedies that help relieve this discomfort.

When we eat, food passes from our throat to our stomach through the esophagus. The lower esophageal sphincter, a ring of muscle fibers at the bottom of the esophagus, prevents swallowed food from coming back up. But when this ring doesn’t close properlystomach contents can flow back up into the esophagus, which is called reflux or gastroesophageal reflux.

“The problem is that the esophagus has a very thin mucosa that is not designed to receive stomach acid. So, when there is reflux, this acid burns the esophagus. That is what causes heartburn and even makes people wake up at night with a cough,” explains Héctor Luna, an endoscopist.


Frequent acid reflux or reflux of non-acidic stomach contents is the most common cause of this condition. Weight gain, fatty foods, alcohol, carbonated and caffeinated beverages, smoking, and some medications also affect the functioning of the lower esophageal sphincter, making them risk factors.

Symptoms of reflux 

When the lower esophageal sphincter does not function properly, acid and bile reflux into the esophagus. When we are standing or sitting, gravity helps prevent the reflux of stomach contents from reaching the esophagus, which explains why it gets worse when we are lying down.

Reflux is also more likely to occur shortly after eating when the volume and acidity of stomach contents are highest, the U.S. MSD Manual says.

The most common symptom of gastroesophageal reflux is a burning sensation in the stomach or heartburn, which may also be accompanied by regurgitation (reverse flow of acid from sour foods or liquids), chest or upper abdominal pain, difficulty swallowing, and a feeling of a lump in the throat.  

The endoscopist surgeon adds that the cough continues, which is why it is common for the person to wake up at night with a coughing attack.

What is good for acid reflux?

Treatment is based on proton pump inhibitors such as lansoprazole and esomeprazole. Although these are over-the-counter medications, it is important to consult a doctor so that he can prescribe the most appropriate one for the symptoms that are present.

It is also recommended to carry out some actions that will help reduce discomfort, such as: not going to bed before at least two and a half hours have passed since having eaten dinner; raising the bed, in the area where you place your head, about 15 centimeters, so that it is at an angle of 30 degrees, so that gravity will prevent the stomach acid from returning; opting for light dinners and learning to cope with stress.

Home remedies for reflux

Along with the medications prescribed by the specialist doctor, there are natural remedies that can relieve the symptoms of reflux.

Maria Jose Ovalle, a natural medicine therapist and holistic health coach, recommends controlling the intake of foods saturated with fat, sugar, and highly seasoned foods; also the consumption of alcohol and cigarettes; managing stress and anxiety, not wearing tight clothing and controlling body weight. She also lists some home remedies:

  • Eat a ripe banana or an apple a day to counteract heartburn.
  • Consume potato juice or extract on an empty stomach and another in the afternoon to improve burning and help heal.
  • Include papaya, banana, and fiber in your daily diet.
  • Dilute one gram of sodium bicarbonate in half a glass of water and take it in the morning or afternoon to help evacuate accumulated gases.
  • Infusions: teas or infusions of chamomile, aloe vera, anise, pericón, turmeric, and mint. The way to prepare it is one tablespoon of dried plant per cup of water or two tablespoons of fresh plant.
  • Ginger tea: Boil three centimeters of fresh ginger in a cup of water. Then drink it.
  • Aloe juice: extract the gel from an aloe vera leaf or stem and blend it with a liter of water. Let it sit for 10 minutes and consume it during the day for at least three months.
  • Take apple cider vinegar: dilute a tablespoon of organic apple cider vinegar in a glass of water. Take mid-morning and mid-afternoon, never on an empty stomach.
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