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For Health Reasons, You Should Sleep Without Underwear


Each person has their own habits and customs when going to sleep. However, for some doctors, the ideal is to sleep without underwear.

“There is one thing that can be detrimental to your health, and that is sleeping in underwear,” says gynecologist Alyssa Dweck, who in an interview with the Shape website advises that women should not wear underwear to bed.

“I often tell my patients to sleep without underwear, and some look at me as if I had three heads,” the publication on quotes. This practice also extends to men because the tighter the underwear they wear, the lower the quality of the sperm.

Many women come to her clinic for problems related to vaginal discharge and for this, one of the first recommendations is that they sleep without underwear because the female intimate parts are naturally moist, and if that area is constantly covered, especially by a fabric that does not breathe, the humidity accumulates, says Dweck and adds that precisely that is a perfect breeding ground for bacteria or fungi.

Dweck recommends that, for those people who simply cannot sleep without underwear, they should resort to solutions such as men’s boxer shorts “or recover old panties from grandma,” according to the website.

Men are no exception to this advice. Experts also recommend that men sleep without tight underwear, as it can harm sperm quality.

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