
Thinking About Your Summer Body? 10 Myths About Cellulite

Taking care of your figure is becoming increasingly important, especially in the warmer weather when you show off more skin, but what about cellulite?

Cellulite is characterized by dimpling and uneven texture of the skin on the buttocks and thighs. It affects 90 percent of post-pubertal women worldwide.

The accumulation of fat, stress, anxiety, circulatory problems, sedentary lifestyle, alcohol consumption, poor diet, smoking, hormonal changes or genetic inheritance are some of the causes of orange peel skin that is usually located on the hips, thighs, buttocks and abdomen, although it can also be found on the arms and even the nape of the neck.

The diet also influences the increase or decrease of cellulite. Fats, sweets, carbohydrates, carbonated soft drinks, and alcohol should be avoided.

Water and foods such as pineapple, pear, orange, grapefruit, tangerines, celery, bananas, nuts, or papaya help eliminate toxins.

Cellulite can be of various types, according to Thiomucase, a company specializing in treating the problems it entails.

  • Edematous: This is incipient and appears in women of all ages, although it is more frequent in young women and adolescents. It is associated with tired legs blood circulation problems and prone to fluid retention.
  • Cystic: It usually appears in young women who, despite having firm, well-toned tissues, and no edema, have the typical orange peel skin when the affected areas are pinched.
  • Painful: This is an advanced stage of cellulite that causes pain when the affected area is touched.

The Decalogue of Doubts

Having beautiful skin requires sacrifices. In the image, two models wearing swimsuits by the firm Tigerlily (Photo Prensa Libre: EFE).

In terms of aesthetics, cellulite torments women, it is a constant battle, but luckily there are tools to combat it, and for this, it is important to know its myths.

1 – Orange peel skin is a thing of overweight women

False. Thin people also have it, especially those with poor circulation, since it prevents the elimination of liquids and toxic substances.

2 – It appears after the age of 20

False. It usually appears during puberty when the body develops and estrogen levels increase.

3 – Less weight, less cellulite

False. When you lose weight you lose fatty tissue, but you still have cellulite.

4 – Can it be fought?

True. Massages and the application of specific cosmetics help a lot, as well as maintaining a healthy, balanced, and varied diet that provides basic nutrients and helps eliminate fats and liquids.

5 – Does mixing foods increase it?

True. It is very important not to mix proteins with carbohydrates. Eat any food as long as you do not combine proteins with carbohydrates.

Alternate 3 or 4 days of protein with 3 or 4 days of carbohydrates per week.

Fruits and vegetables are great allies in the fight against orange peel skin (Photo Prensa Libre: EFE).

In this way, we facilitate digestion and avoid accumulating toxins. At least one liter of water should be consumed per day, outside of meals.

It is important to avoid fruit for dessert, preferably outside of meals, and forget about pastries, industrial sweets, and pre-cooked foods.

6 – Does sport help?

True . Walking and exercising activates the metabolism and improves blood circulation. It is known that poor circulation is one of the factors of cellulite. Walking for an hour a day at a good pace and going up and down the stairs are great allies to combat it.

Sport, which circulates five times more oxygen-laden blood, firms the skin, burns fat, reduces stress, improves physical condition and respiratory capacity, “as well as strengthening bones and the musculoskeletal system in general,” explains Gloria Sobrero Muñoz, Ictiva instructor from Thiomoucase.

7 – Does wearing tight clothing increase orange peel skin?

True. “Wearing very tight pants prevents the proper elimination of excess toxins from the body,” explains Dr. Mato Ansorena, who recommends looser clothing.

8 – Can it be deleted forever?

False . To date, there is nothing that can eradicate it forever, but the Cellfina system, a minimally invasive procedure approved in both the European Union and the United States, eliminates it for at least three years.

This treatment, which must be performed by a doctor, is an outpatient procedure that requires local anesthesia.

It is important to make a correct diagnosis to improve the results. “The dimples and depressions of orange peel skin only respond to Cellfina, a treatment that is a great step in combating cellulite,” explains Dr. Andrea Sánchez from the Tufet clinic.

9 – Salt and sugar, cellulite agents?

True. Salt retains fluids and sugar causes glycation of the skin, which means it hardens and loses elasticity.

10 – Do anti-cellulite products work?

True. Anti-cellulite creams are effective if used early and continuously. As it is difficult to know if cellulite is incipient, “my advice is to apply anti-cellulite cream every day to prevent and, if necessary, treat it,” explains beautician Felicidad Carrera, who also believes that “it is important to highlight that these products have no effect on cellulite that has been present for a long time, nor on fat deposits.”

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