
What Does It Mean To Have A Headache On The Left Side: The Most Common Causes And Their Treatment

Most people have experienced headaches all over their heads at some point in their lives. But sometimes we have only experienced them on the left side, especially when we are stressed or have allergy symptoms. Experts say that the area where the pain occurs could indicate several causes.

A headache, also known as a “cephalalgia,” refers to pain that occurs throughout the entire skull. Although sometimes it is temporary, other times it is important to pay attention to it because it is a signal that the body sends to warn that something is not right. The signs that must be taken into account are the moment in which it occurs, the frequency, duration, location, and quality.

Left-sided headaches, like those in any other area of ​​the skull, can be sharp or stabbing, can appear suddenly or be constant, and can also stay in the same place or move to nearby areas such as the neck or eye. These are the details that should be paid attention to.

“Our head can hurt due to stress and it usually feels like a pressure band around the skull. It can hurt when our blood sugar drops or when our blood pressure rises. In the latter case, both sides of the head hurt,” says Carlos Gutiérrez, a general practitioner.

Left-sided headache

Many factors can cause a headache on the left side, so the diagnosis must be made by a doctor. This discomfort could mean fatigue, stress, migraine, allergies, and even a brain tumor, says José Carlos Arévalo, a neurologist.

“The causes of left-sided headaches can be classified into lifestyle factors, infections and allergies, overuse of medications, and neurological or other medical causes,” says the professional.

Below are some causes of left-sided headache:


When we are stressed or under a lot of pressure, our muscles tense up. This is why we feel a stiff neck. Being under pressure puts the brain in a constant state of alert, which causes headaches.

Although tension headaches, which are caused by muscle tension in the shoulders, neck, scalp, and jaw, feel like a band of pressure around the head, stress causes pain on the left side of the head.

Not getting enough sleep.

The body needs approximately 8 hours of restful sleep to recharge the energy spent during the day. When this is not met, one of the first symptoms of external fatigue and lack of sleep is a headache.

It is advisable to take a nap and sleep the necessary 8 hours during the next few days. It is also ideal to slow down the pace of life while the body recovers its energy.

Drink alcohol

Most alcoholic beverages, such as beer and wine, contain ethanol, a chemical that triggers headaches. This usually occurs when excessive and constant consumption occurs.

The headache it causes usually goes away when you take a painkiller.


Migraine is described as a severe headache that is sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, stiffness in the neck, and sensitivity to light and/or sound. It is characterized by feeling the pain only on one half of the head, especially on the left side.

Among the types of treatment recommended are lifestyle changes and abortive treatment, which consists of the use of medications that relieve pain when the person has a migraine attack.

Headache on left side
Headaches usually go away with painkillers and lifestyle changes. If this does not happen, then you should consult a doctor.

Pressure in the head

Some helmets, hats, or hairstyles that strain the muscles of the skull also promote this type of headache, as they cause tension throughout the skull.

Medication abuse  

Some medicines, when taken in excess, instead of alleviating symptoms, make them worse. This is called the “rebound effect.” Therefore, it is recommended to follow medical instructions or, if the discomfort does not subside within three days, to visit a specialist.

Medications that cause the rebound effect are Ibuprofen, Aspirin, and Paracetamol.


Allergies cause discomfort in the front of the head and the left side of the face, due to the sinuses located behind the cheeks and nose becoming congested.

Some infections such as encephalitis and meningitis may also cause headaches, but these are accompanied by fever, fatigue, and muscle pain.

Other causes 

High blood pressure or glaucoma often causes headaches, so it is important to pay attention to the frequency and type of pain. A brain injury or tumor could also cause this discomfort.

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