Exercising regularly has several benefits for the human body and for people’s health. Every individual benefits from physical activity, regardless of age, sex, or ability.
People who lead an active life surrounded by physical activities are less likely to get sick and have a greater chance of living a longer life.
Likewise, exercising constantly allows you to have a better physical condition and greatly improves mental health.
One of the most popular routines among people looking to do physical activity is exercises focused on the glutes, legs, and abdomen since they are the most effective way to strengthen some of the most important muscles in the body and see results in a short time.
Glute, leg, and abdominal exercises allow you to work the muscles in these areas in a single series of movements and are the preferred option for many people when exercising.
Learn the best routines and exercises to strengthen these muscles.
Exercises for glutes
Squats are probably the best-known exercise for firming the buttocks, thighs, and legs. However, their effectiveness is so great that they are one of the most used exercises in different routines.
To perform a squat, the person must stand with their feet shoulder-width apart and raise their arms to a position parallel to the ground.
Then, you should bend your knees, simulating sitting on a chair, without letting them go beyond the tips of your feet, and finally, you should slowly return to the original position.
Squats can be performed with your weight or with barbells, dumbbells, and elastic bands to increase the intensity. 3 sets of 10 repetitions is an optimal routine for the glutes and legs.
This exercise focuses mainly on working the thighs and glutes. To perform it, the person must lie face up, bend their legs, and place their feet on the floor, separating them shoulder-width apart.
Afterward, you have to raise the pelvis as much as possible and simultaneously contract the glutes and thighs.
This position must be maintained for a few seconds before lowering the pelvis again without touching the ground, to continue performing repetitions.
It is recommended to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions to properly work the muscles involved.
Side lunge
In this glute exercise the person must stand with their feet together and take a wide lateral step in the form of a lunge.
When doing this movement, one leg must be bent while the other is fully stretched with the sole resting on the ground at all times.
Then, return to the starting position and perform the same movement with alternating legs. 4 sets of 10 repetitions will make this exercise give results in no time.
Lunge or lunge
This squat variation is used to work on balance and muscle strength. To perform this glute exercise, the person must stand up and take a step forward without the knee going beyond the height of the foot.
The other knee should be bent so that it is about to touch the floor. It is necessary to hold the position for a few seconds and repeat. It is recommended to do 3 sets of 10 repetitions of this glute exercise.
This exercise focuses on working the glutes and is vital in their training. To do it, the person must place themselves on the floor with their knees and hands in line with their shoulders.
Then, you should contract your abdomen and lift one leg without letting the bent knee drop, pushing upwards in the shape of a kick.
It is recommended to do 2 sets of 15 repetitions to strengthen the glutes.

Exercises for legs and glutes
This leg exercise consists of jumping to exercise and strengthen the muscles of the legs and buttocks.
The person must squat with their hands on the floor and from that position stretch their legs backward, performing the movement of a vertical jump.
Then, you must return to the initial position to continue performing the exercises. 4 sets of 10 burpees are recommended to start with this exercise for legs and glutes.
This leg exercise focuses on strength and endurance, and to perform it you must have some weight (dumbbells, water bottles, bags with objects, etc.).
For the deadlift exercise, the person should keep their back straight and their head facing forward. Then, they should place their legs shoulder-width apart and hold the weight with both hands, keeping their arms straight.
Keeping your back straight, you should lower your torso by flexing your hips until the weight reaches below your knees, always keeping the weight close to your body.
Finally, return to the initial position by applying force with your legs. 3 sets of 10 repetitions are recommended for this leg and glute exercise.
To perform this leg exercise, you need to locate a step and use it as a tool.
The person should stand up straight with their back and head straight and place one foot on the step. They should then raise their entire body until the leg on the step is completely straight and the one on the ground is in the air.
Finally, you should return to the initial position and continue the exercise with alternating legs.
Single leg deadlift
This exercise requires the same mechanics as deadlifts, but with the difference that all the work is focused on only one leg.
To do this leg exercise, you should place your legs slightly bent and move one back while leaning your body towards the floor, supporting all your weight with one leg.
Sumo squats
This leg exercise differs from regular squats due to the position of the lower extremities.
To do them, the person has to separate the width of the hips more than usual, turn the feet outwards, and slowly lower themselves. It is recommended to do 4 sets of 20 repetitions to achieve the results you are looking for in your legs and glutes.

Exercises for the abdomen and glutes
Traditional lunges with jump
Jumping lunges are perfect for people looking for exercises for the abdomen and glutes since this exercise works the lower body and the abdomen.
For this exercise, the person has to grab two dumbbells with a weight proportional to their physical capacity, stand up, and bend one of their knees forward.
Then, you must jump upwards and reverse the position of your legs (the one that was in front is now behind and vice versa). Performing this exercise in 4 sets of 10 repetitions starting from the initial position is a very demanding exercise for the glutes and abdomen.
Leg lifts
Leg raises are an abdominal and glute exercise that is perfect for toning the abdominal area quickly and easily.
When starting the exercise, the person should lie face up, resting their back and arms on the floor. Then, they should bring their legs together and slowly raise them.
Finally, you need to slowly lower your legs without letting them touch the ground, then raise them again and start the exercise again. 3 sets of 20 repetitions daily will strengthen your abs and glutes.
Bicycle Crunches
Bicycle crunches are the most recommended exercise to tone the abdomen and strengthen the glutes.
For this exercise, the person must lie face up with the body fully extended. Then, they must raise their heels and place their hands behind their head.
When performing the movement, the knee should be bent and brought towards the chest, and the side of the torso should be rotated to join the elbow with the opposite knee. Finally, the action should be repeated with the other knee for approximately 1 minute.
This exercise helps strengthen the abdomen and buttocks, due to its constant leg movement.
The first step to do this abdominal and gluteal exercise is for the person to lie on their back and keep their body straight.
Then, you have to extend your legs and make sure they do not touch the ground at any time. With your legs extended, you should make movements by opening and closing your legs, simulating the movement of a pair of scissors.
The closer your legs are to the ground, the more effort your abdomen will make and this will generate better results for your body.
Up and Down Plank
This plank variation helps tone and strengthen the abdomen and glutes.
To do this exercise, the person should position themselves as if they were about to do a push-up. Then, they should place both forearms on the floor without putting pressure on the elbow.
Finally, you should raise yourself by supporting yourself with your hand and using your arms and abdomen to raise your torso. This movement should be repeated 10 times for 3 sets, and rest for 30 seconds between each repetition.

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