Month: December 2024
What Causes A Heart Attack, How Is It Detected And What Are Its Risk Factors?
According to international media, Julián Figueroa, the only son of Maribel Guardia and Joan Sebastian, passed away on the night of Sunday, April 9, and hours [Read More…]
Swollen Tonsils?: What Is Tonsillitis, Symptoms, Types And Home Remedies
The tonsils are compact bodies of lymphoid tissue found at the back of the mouth and the top of the throat. Their function is to [Read More…]
Symptoms Of An Intestinal Infection: How To Relieve Stomach Pain
An intestinal infection is characterized by diarrhea and, in some cases, severe stomach pain. These symptoms lead us to stop our routine and quickly think about [Read More…]
What Is Jealousy? Here’s How You Can Handle It With Your Partner
Jealousy is a bad counselor in relationships. It is a response that produces feelings of suspicion, distrust, and fear towards the other person. When these [Read More…]
Chronic Stress: Causes, Symptoms, And How It Can Lead To Cognitive Decline
Stress is a natural reaction of the body to demand or challenge that our brain considers may put us in danger or require extra effort, [Read More…]
Asthma: Maintenance Treatments Allow For Greater Control And Prevent Attacks
Asthma is a chronic disease that causes the airways in the lungs to swell and narrow, causing difficulty breathing, such as wheezing, shortness of breath, [Read More…]
What Is Omega-3 And What Is It Used For?
Our body needs Omega 3 so that our neurons or brain function better and have adequate connectivity. In addition, it promotes the proper functioning of [Read More…]
The Main Changes In Pregnant Women And The Necessary Care
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused a 20-year setback in terms of maternal health in Latin America and the Caribbean. Between 1990 and 2015, there was a [Read More…]
Why Does Your Face Turn Red?: The Most Common Diseases That Cause It And How To Prevent Them
It is common for our face to turn red when we feel embarrassed or very hot, as the blood vessels in our face dilate and [Read More…]
Eye Allergies? Treatments And Recommendations To Take Care Of Your Eyesight
With the arrival of the long-awaited good spring weather, many people also experience eye allergies, due to the presence in the environment of numerous substances, [Read More…]